June 7, 2010


Honestly, I love my car. My champagne-coloured 1993 Toyota Camry. A car that could be relied on. My first car ever. It was the car I learnt to drive with. The car that helped me get my G license. The car that drove me to my high school and then into university. It was my transportation for the long-trek of road between myself and my boyfriend. It carried my friends and me to dinner, to parties, to movies. It took me to my job, helped me earn my money. Warmed me in the winter and kept me cool in the summer. My 17-year old mechnical baby on wheels. It was the car that I never wanted to part with.

And here it comes, the obligatory "but" to set the reasons for our break up. Most people drive their cars for approximately 5-6 years and then trade in for a newer one or just sell it, but my Camry has been a good boy (yes, I denote my cars in the masculine rather than the feminine) for so long. For the past several years that this car has been with me, it was a smooth drive. My mother loved the car too, caring for it and making sure everything was running well, constantly taking it to check ups. So I was completely floored when I drove into university one day and my car just died on the street, two blocks away from the campus where I was supposed to be attending class in an hour or so.

It was the beginning of our little fights. Suddenly my baby needed to be fix, it was hoisted on its first tow-truck and moved to a mechanic, who informed me that the radiator cap had busted. After it was repaired, I thought that our relationship would once again become smooth and relaxing, when my Camry began a series of repeated problems a year and a half later. Driving around town, trying to get to my job in the late spring, I discovered a faint smell of smoke. Pushing into the garage of my office, I encountered a massive puddle of water and thinking that my baby could handle it, plunged into it... afterall, it had been in both heavy rains and blizzards. Immediately smoke billowed out and security raced over to handle the situation, telling me to get out of the car and not to continue driving it. After it was towed and "fixed", I encountered a new problem. Overheating.

Those of you who experienced this problem will probably understand the sheer terror of the situation. For those of you who have not, let me try to explain. When my Camry overheats, I cannot control the brakes anymore. The car begins to shake and tremble, and you have difficulty trying to stop the car since the brakes are unresponsive. The engine is roaring, speeding up, getting even faster even while you're idling and you're forced to park the car because you can feel how dangerous the situation is - you cannot STOP the car from moving. When you push the gear into park, the engine just spins even faster and you have no choice but to kill the engine and let it cool down, which can take up to 2 hours.

Got the picture? Not scared yet? Picture yourself in rush hour traffic and there are cars EVERYWHERE and you can't move. Imagine the car shaking and you stomping on the brakes, pushing hard into it, but the car still wants to inch forward, so you have to push as hard as you can to keep the car from smashing into the car in front of you. Do this several times and I can guarentee that you will freaking out in panic. 

For the past year, these problems have been reoccuring, and just last Saturday, my driver' side window motor just died - which means, the window doesn't move up anymore... HOWEVER, it moves down. And stays down. I had to use my hands to push the glass back up. Sigh. It's about time to retire my sweetie. It was my way to get out of the house when things got crazy, but that's a post for another day. Well, enjoy my stalker pictures from the view of where I stopped my car when it was on the point of uncontrollable. I sat there for two hours and people were eyeing me suspiciously. Sorry people. And the most infuriating thing was that my car was down ONE BLOCK from my office.

I stopped behind a private school - actually it's an all boys' school (one of the supposed 'top' schools in Toronto) and you can see the playing fields in the little space on the right of the red brick column. I must have looked stalkerish and extremely sketch while I was snapping these photos. But I could have probably used the excuse that two of my cousins actually attend this institution. YES. I'm serious!! LOL. I would have gone in to find them, but I think they'd be really confused as to why I was there.

 Look! It's Mashimaro!! That was actually a present from my Gor (non-biological big brother), Alex, who I haven't talked to in YEARS. I wonder how he's doing. But yeah, Mashimaro likes to sit there and get roasted in the bright sunshine. Did I mention that it was a HEAT WAVE that day? 34 degrees celcius. O__o Luckily my window was still working at the time.
Meet my window view. I would like to thank this tree for providing shade for me... for approx. 30 mins of the time I was sitting there. I sat here and watched grass grow. Great times. Still it's a pretty scene, lots of trees, nice avenue. It's a good location. If you have smart kids (girls or boys) there two top schools around the area both are single gendered educational facilities. I know I sound like a realtor and in reality I've done real estate work before. :P

On an interesting note: As to why I have these photos - well, it was because I pretended for 15 mins that I was a private detective while I was sitting there. Clearly, I'm not so good at it, since I didn't get a single picture of ANYONE. I will update with new pictures of my beautiful car when I can look at it without feeling heartbroken that I will have to retire it. Oh public transit, how I hate you. *sob*


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